How DBT Can Transform Your Life

As we go through our fast-paced, everyday lives, it can feel like a challenge to manage and navigate all the intense emotions and unexpected incidents that we’re faced with along the way. 

In response to these challenges, Dr. Marsha Linehan created dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) as a road map for individuals struggling with their mental health and emotional wellness. Throughout this blog, we’ll explore how DBT works and how it can benefit you.


What is DBT?

DBT is a specific type of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). DBT helps individuals accept and manage the world around them rather than reacting to uncomfortable situations in a harmful way. DBT is a long-term therapeutic practice that’s often used to help work through suicidal ideation or self-harm, complex life difficulties, PTSD, bipolar disorder and other mental health disorders and challenges. 

There are four core strategies DBT aims to teach individuals: Mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. In particular, DBT can help those who may feel emotions intensely. The “dialectical” portion of DBT means to try and understand how two things that seem opposite could be true at the same time. DBT teaches individuals how to master the art of finding a balance between both change and acceptance of oneself and one’s own environment.


Benefits of DBT

DBT serves several purposes and provides many benefits to individuals  seeking help and solace. It’s an incredibly valuable therapeutic approach for individuals struggling with their mental health. 

Benefits of DBT Include:

  1. Strengthens relationships with others. DBT teaches individuals to think before abruptly reacting, and how to build a balanced perspective (middle ground in the case of opposing viewpoints). DBT increases self awareness and decreases destructive behavior which can lead to the nourishment of close supportive relationships.
  2. Raises self esteem. DBT can use validation techniques that validate one’s emotions and experiences. As this can boost one’s confidence in their emotions, this also translates into personal self esteem as feelings of shame are often lessened. DBT challenges an individual to go against their negative thoughts which in turn negates a lot of negative self talk.
  3. Enhances emotional regulation. DBT will teach an individual how to manage their emotions rather than be managed by their emotions. These learnt skills will assist in the development of reducing negative emotions and one’s vulnerability to them and help see a more positive outlook on stressful situations.
  4. Promotes a change in behavior and positive thinking. Because DBT builds an individual’s distress tolerance, it assists in managing anxious or depressive tendencies. It allows individuals to not feel defined by stressful or tumultuous situations and rather work through them with emotional intelligence which makes it easier to have a positive outlook on changes and ones thinking. 


What skills can DBT teach me?

DBT is broken up into four different modules: Mindfulness, emotional regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness. 

Mindfulness, when referring to DBT, helps with talking through, being aware and accepting the present moment without judgment. These practices help build awareness skills that teach us to relax our body and mind in times of distress—ultimately, strengthening our mind-body connection. Mindfulness also helps us learn to let go of negative thoughts and intrusive thought patterns. 

DBT also focuses on emotional regulation and changing one’s undesired emotions to reduce vulnerability to them. Emotional regulation skills help one examine their distortions and patterns of thinking, and work on emotional urges. These emotional regulation skills are an important part of improving problem solving and coping strategies. 

Another skill this type of therapy focuses on is distress tolerance. Improving distress tolerance is important when it comes to our ability to work through crises situations without escalating them. It helps us to understand the distinction between acceptance and approval. Distress tolerance exercises include cost-benefit analysis, grounding techniques and practicing radical acceptance. 

Lastly, DBT focuses on building interpersonal effectiveness, which means learning how to apply effective strategies for managing conflict, setting boundaries and communicating our needs to those around us.


DBT at Valera Health

Is it time to try DBT? 

Here’s how to know if DBT is right for you:

  1. You’re experiencing feelings of loneliness and hopelessness that feel insurmountable.
  2. You seem to lose people quickly or suddenly due to fallouts.
  3. You struggle to maintain positive relationships with partners, family and friends.
  4. Your emotions interrupt with work, goals and relationships. 
  5. Your emotions feel debilitating and overwhelming.


Valera Health offers a wide range of virtual DBT therapy groups, both in New York and Arizona. Currently, our DBT skills groups are open to established patients that are 18+ years of age. The majority of Valera’s DBT groups include four modules that run for a total of six months. While participants only need to commit to at least 8 weeks, it is recommended they complete all four.

Valera Health’s DBT program can benefit adults and adolescents experiencing emotional dysregulation, relational issues, poor impulse control and anxiety and depression symptoms. 

For those seeking more intimate one-on-one sessions, our providers are well-versed in individual DBT therapy. 

Whether you’re interested in a DBT group or individual DBT therapy, you can request a free consultation with Valera Health. We also offer other forms of group and individual therapy, psychiatry and medication management—all from the comfort of your own home.

The best way to know if DBT is for you: You are ready for change and committed to making yourself better. 

Though it can be intimidating, reaching out for more information regarding DBT therapy can be one of the most rewarding things you can do for yourself. Whether you have a specific mental health condition or are just looking to improve your life, anyone can benefit from DBT therapy.



Works Referenced:

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. (2022, November 5). Distress tolerance. DBT. 

Emotion regulation. DBT Self Help. (2023, September 27).,and%20build%20positive%20emotional%20experiences 

Schimelpfening, N. (2023, May 1). How dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) works. Verywell Mind. 

Transtrum, T. (2023, May 3). Anxiety & depression are on the rise-here’s what you need to know. Valera Health.

All About Adult ADHD

Despite the fact that ADHD is one of the most common childhood disorders, a growing number of adults are getting diagnosed. You may be asking, “Why the sudden uptick?”

Well, oftentimes signs of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children can go unnoticed by teachers and parents—especially when we factor in how ADHD can present itself differently in girls vs. boys. 

As knowledge about ADHD expands, so does our understanding of this disorder and its signs. So what does ADHD look like later in life? Keep reading to find out.

What is ADHD?

Also known as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder, which is a category of disorders marked by conditions that affect growth and development of the brain and how it functions. 

ADHD can cause certain brain regions to become hyperactive (highly active beyond standard levels) and others to become hypoactive (less active than standard levels). 

As Medical News Today puts it: “A person with ADHD may be unable to suppress brain activity in the default attention network, especially as a task becomes more difficult. This may link to more distractibility.”

Signs of ADHD in Adults

ADHD doesn’t just affect children and teensIt’s estimated that close to 10 million adults have ADHD, according to recent numbers from Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD)

For those whose ADHD went undiagnosed during childhood, the following reasons may have been at play:

  • Parents or teachers may not have noticed signs of ADHD, or may not have known the signs of ADHD to look out for in the first place
  • The severity of their ADHD could have been mild
  • Despite having ADHD, they performed well academically
  • Masked signs of ADHD
  • Signs of ADHD can differ by genders

Another possible reason for delayed ADHD diagnosis is that the stresses of adulthood—such as work, higher education, and increased responsibilities (finances, family, less support, etc.)—can exacerbate ADHD symptoms and make them harder to manage.

Signs of ADHD in Adults Include:

  • Regular hyperactivity, which can look like:
    • Restlessness or an inability to sit still
    • Stimming or fidgeting, as in repeating certain sounds or body movements unconsciously (for example, rocking back and forth, pacing around, grinding teeth, doodling, nail biting, etc.)
  • Zoning out or daydreaming
  • Trouble paying attention for long periods of time or becoming easily distracted
  • Disorganization, such as constantly having a cluttered home, car or desk
  • Having trouble finishing tasks
  • Becoming easily overwhelmed
  • Making careless mistakes on tasks, such as work projects
  • Losing interest in tasks easily, especially with things you find to be boring or repetitive
  • Hyperfocusing or fixating on interesting tasks or subjects
  • Struggling with motivation
  • Forgetfulness 
  • Procrastination
  • Poor time management
  • Reacting strongly to relatively small stressors or inconveniences
  • Impatience
  • Sudden shifts in moods
  • Angry outbursts 
  • Indecisiveness or feelings overwhelmed when faced with choices
  • Overstimulation
  • Excessive talking, blurting things out, and unintentionally interrupting others

ADHD Signs in Women vs. Men

During both childhood and adulthood, ADHD can look different according to gender. 

The CDC reports that 13% of boys (ages 3-17) in the U.S. are diagnosed with ADHD, compared to 6% of girls (ages 3-17).  However, due to underrecognized and underreported signs of ADHD in females, the prevalence of ADHD among girls is likely higher than reported.

Signs of ADHD in Females*:

  • Maladaptive daydreaming
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Spacing out during conversations
  • Easily losing focus
  • Auditory processing disorder
  • Forgetfulness
  • Eating disorders
  • Hypersexuality
  • Impatience
  • Body-focused repetitive behaviors (e.g. skin picking, hair pulling, leg bouncing)
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Crying with deep emotion, anger, and feelings of guilt and shame
  • Shyness due to social anxiety and sensory sensitivities
  • Rejection sensitivity dysphoria (RSD) symptoms
    • Perfectionism
    • People-pleasing
    • Codependency
    • Body dysphoria
    • Low self-esteem
    • Overachieving
    • Underachieving 
    • Overwhelm
    • Intense emotional reactions

Hormone levels*—in particular estrogen levels—can also impact the severity and intensity of ADHD symptoms at different stages of life, including: puberty, monthly menstrual cycles, perimenopause and menopause.

Signs of ADHD in Males*:

  • Hyperactivity (e.g. fidgeting)
  • Disruptive behavior
  • Frequently losing items
  • Interrupting others during conversations
  • Aggressive behaviors
  • High risk behaviors (e.g., substance misuse, speeding, unhealthy sexual behaviors, excessive financial spending)
  • Insecurity—more often presented externally as the following:
    • Anger
    • Apathy
    • Self-centeredness
    • Seeming insensitive to other people’s emotions
    • Teasing others or being sarcastic
    • Needing to be right or proving others wrong
    • Defensiveness

Due to the way ADHD presents itself in females and how they cope with symptoms, signs of this disorder may be brushed off as “perfectionism” or being “emotional.” Women and girls are also less likely to express hyperactivity and impulsivity externally. 

The signs of ADHD in males have historically been used as a standard for ADHD diagnosis—in part because males typically show symptoms in a more external manner, and in part due to gender bias. 


How is ADHD Diagnosed?

There are multiple tests used to diagnose ADHD in both children and adults. If you Google “ADHD testing,” you’ll find plenty of online self-diagnosis tests—however, licensed medical professionals like psychiatrists and primary care physicians (PCPs) are the only people who can provide an accurate ADHD diagnosis.

After speaking with your doctor, they may decide that it makes sense for you to do a psychological assessment, which will help determine if an ADHD diagnosis is fitting.

Popular ADHD Assessments Include:

  1. The Test of Variables of Attention (TOVA)
  2. Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Functioning-Adult Version (BRIEF-A)
  3. Barkley Adult ADHD Rating Scale-IV (BAARS)
  4. Conners’ Adult ADHD Rating Scales (CAARS)

Treating ADHD

Therapy, medication and social support are three of the best ways to treat ADHD. At Valera Health, we happen to offer all three. Our virtual services include both individual and group therapy, psychiatry and medication management. Currently, we offer multiple ADHD support groups in New York, and other therapy groups in additional states (more to come soon!). Our Health Connectors are here to help you begin your treatment journey. Visit or click here to get started with a free consultation. For additional ADHD support resources, click here.

Thanks to the expansion of research on ADHD in adults, signs and symptoms of ADHD are becoming more widely understood. While we still have a ways to go, the future of ADHD treatment and diagnosis looks bright. 

Know the Warning Signs: Mental Health Issues in Children & Teens

As a parent or caregiver, it can be hard to know whether your child is exhibiting behaviors that are normal for their age or if there’s something deeper going on.

You may find yourself saying “I guess that’s just how they are at that age,” or “Teenagers, am I right?” when they are being difficult or acting out. 

However, it’s important to be aware of the signs that your child or teenager is struggling with their mental health because, if ignored, this can greatly impact important development milestones and areas of life including: relationships with peers and family; learning ability; emotional development and physical development; and even your child’s ability to navigate the world or simply get through each day. 

Keep reading to learn how to spot the signs that your child or teen is struggling with their mental health—and what you, as a parent, can do to help them thrive.



Signs of Mental Health Issues in Children

Children may exhibit signs of mental health issues in many different ways, which can vary from child to child.

Here are some common signs to look out for:

  • Outbursts, tantrums or lashing out
  • Extreme anger, rage or irritability
  • Persistent sadness lasting two or more weeks
  • Hurting oneself or expressing a desire to hurt oneself
  • Fascination with death or suicide
  • Hitting or acting violently towards other children or adults
  • Drastic changes in mood or personality
  • Sleeping problems such as having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, bedwetting or nightmares
  • Loss of weight or refusal to eat
  • Frequent stomach aches
  • Frequent headaches
  • Extreme shyness
  • Poor academic performance
  • Difficulty focusing
  • Avoiding or missing school 
  • Bullying others
  • Reporting being bullied
  • Being socially withdrawn or avoidant

Signs that your child is struggling with their mental health can differ depending on what age they are. This blog post further discusses additional signs of mental health issues in infants, toddlers and young children.


Signs of Mental Health Issues in Teenagers

According to Verywell Mind, the following signs are indicative of mental health issues in teenagers:

  • Being irritable or angry frequently
  • Feeling overwhelmingly sad, worried, scared, or hopeless
  • Experiencing extreme mood swings—such as alternating between euphoria and depression
  • Behaving moody and withdrawn. They may stop communicating with you and prefer to be isolated. They may stop seeing their friends, or communicating with them via phone, text, or social media.
  • Losing interest in activities they once enjoyed
  • Developing a fear of common things or being scared to try new things
  • Having difficulty coping with everyday activities and stressors
  • Being unable to relate to others or express their emotions
  • Changing their appearance drastically or neglecting their personal hygiene
  • Picking fights with friends, family members, teachers, or school authorities
  • Sleeping all the time or having trouble sleeping. They may often feel tired or low on energy.
  • Eating all the time or having no appetite. You may notice changes in their weight or eating habits.
  • Having unexplained physical ailments such as headaches, stomach aches, or other complaints
  • Having difficulty with learning, thinking, remembering, or concentrating
  • Performing poorly at school or having no interest in school work
  • Using substances such as alcohol, marijuana, or drugs
  • Engaging in risky, unsafe behaviors or causing trouble at home, school, or in their community
  • Engaging in self-harm
  • Talking about death or suicide



How to Help Your Child or Teen

Healing starts at home. If you notice your child is acting differently or having a difficult time, encourage them to talk openly with you about their feelings. Create safe spaces for them to talk without the fear of being judged. Voice your concerns to teachers, coaches and other adults who are involved in your child’s life. They may be able to provide extra information about what is going on, or simply play a supportive role in your child’s life.

Provide your child with downtime, space and opportunities for self-care. Treat them with compassion, especially if they are acting out. Don’t forget to treat yourself with compassion and practice self-care too. Be patient—they might not feel like opening up at first, so continue to encourage them and remind them you’re here for them when they need you.

Your child or teen may also feel more comfortable talking to a mental healthcare professional who can provide them with additional support and an outside perspective. 

Valera Health’s Child and Adolescent Program (CAP) was designed specifically with children, teens and adolescents ages 6-17 as well as for parents and caregivers. Through an age-appropriate and data-driven approach, our CAP therapists, psychiatrists and nurse practitioners have continually seen improved outcomes for their patients. Our Health Connectors are here to help you and your child find a licensed mental healthcare provider who’s the perfect fit. Visit or click here to schedule a free consultation.

Valera Health is Here to Help Your Child or Teen with Their Mental Health

Emotional and mental health plays a pivotal role in developmental milestones for children and teens. If you’ve noticed your child, teenager or adolescent is struggling emotionally or behaviorally, Valera Health can help. 

Our therapists, nurse practitioners and psychiatrists are highly experienced with working with children, teens and adolescents ages 6-17 and use a science-backed and age-appropriate approach to telemental healthcare.


Valera Health’s Child & Adolescent Program (CAP)

Valera Health’s licensed therapists, psychiatrists and nurse practitioners use data-driven treatment methods tailored to the individual needs of each child, teen or adolescent. Our providers work around you and your child’s schedule by offering flexible sessions that range from 30-45 minutes to accommodate after school needs. 

Our providers have a proven track record of improving outcomes for Child and Adolescent Program (CAP) patients. 

According to recent statistics, Valera Health’s CAP outcomes have shown an average decrease of 4.9 points from the baseline score (based on intake) for GAD screenings (standard screening model for Generalized Anxiety Disorder). PHQ scores (a.k.a. Patient Health Questionnaire) decreased 4.8 points from baseline on average. 

Our CAP providers specialize in helping children and teens with bullying, anxiety, depression, ADHD, school stress, grief and loss, childhood trauma, childhood mood disorders, behavioral issues, parenting issues, family/parental issues, anger management, self-harm and stress management. 

We walk parents and caregivers through every step of their child’s treatment plan, so they can rest assured their child receives the high-quality care they need and deserve. Additional parental and/or familial support is also available as needed.




Our CAP practitioners are highly-trained in age-appropriate mental healthcare for kids exhibiting signs of mental health issues. Our complete care model has been shown to be highly effective when it comes to treating common childhood difficulties such as anxiety, mood fluctuations, ADHD, school or family stress, adjustment issues and more. We offer treatment for children ages 6+.



We offer a wide-array of specialized therapeutic and psychiatric services to help teens and adolescents adapt to challenges such as anxiety, depression, identity, trauma, confidence-building, stress management and much more. Our CAP providers understand how to connect with teens on both an individual and age-appropriate level. Teen and adolescent services are available for patients ages 13-17.



Parents and caregivers play a pivotal role in their children’s mental health—which is why we include them in their children’s wellness journey every step of the way. Providers meet periodically with parents to review their children’s progress through measured results. When appropriate, therapists may also meet with parents to review individualized parenting and communication strategies. We also provide individualized adult care for parents, families and caregivers to help them face familial and parenting/caregiving challenges head on.



How Do I Get Started?

We make finding mental health support for your family easy with our simple consultation and matching process. The first step is to submit an online consultation form to let us know what services you’re looking for. After you’ve submitted your consultation form, a Health Connector will help you find a provider who is a perfect fit for your child, adolescent or teen. From there,  you can expect individual intake meetings for both yourself and your child with your chosen provider(s). 

Parents/caregivers will be included in their child’s ongoing care and communications so they will always be in the know. 

Get started today by clicking here or visiting to schedule a free consultation!

7 Symptoms of ADHD and How to Get Help

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects an estimated 6.1 million youth in the United States, which equates to roughly 9.4% of this population. Of those teens and children, 64% have another mental health disorder, with anxiety, depression, and behavior problems being the most prevalent.

ADHD also affects 4.4% of adults. Many adults who have ADHD don’t know they have it because it went undetected earlier in their lives. If you’re an adult who suspects they may have ADHD, try reviewing and determining whether your symptoms impacted you during childhood and early adulthood, and may have followed you into the present.

Knowing how to spot signs and symptoms of ADHD can help you determine whether you may need professional treatment for this mental health disorder.

Consider getting help today if you think you have any of the following seven symptoms of ADHD.

1. Difficulty Concentrating and Paying Attention

People with ADHD often have difficulty concentrating and paying attention, which is also a common symptom of anxiety. In fact, nearly 50% of adults and 30% of children with ADHD also have an anxiety disorder.

You may have ADHD if you experience these symptoms all the time. If you only experience these symptoms at times you’re feeling anxious, you may have an anxiety disorder.

2. Hyperactivity

Fidgeting, difficulty sitting still, and excessive movement are all symptoms of hyperactivity. These symptoms may occur when a person with ADHD is engaging in tasks they feel are not interesting enough to keep their focus. Many mental health professionals now help people with ADHD to harness their fidgeting and hyperactivity to increase focus and productivity.

3. Difficulty With Communication

ADHD can make it difficult for people with this condition to communicate with others. They may interrupt others without meaning to or miss important details of a conversation. They may also forget what they were going to say or swerve into another area. Struggling with word choice, zoning out during talks, and short conversations are other signs of ADHD that are associated with communication difficulties.

4. Difficulty Completing Tasks That Require Focus

People with ADHD may try to delay or avoid performing tasks that require them to stay focused, such as listening to lectures or doing homework. Their inability to sit still and concentrate can become stressful and overwhelming, which can cause them to leave certain tasks incomplete.

5. Difficulty Being Patient

People with ADHD may experience difficulty when forced to wait their turn, such as when standing in line, speaking, or sitting in traffic. Being patient can often be uncomfortable for people with ADHD. They may need help to practice patience. It is often difficult for people with ADHD to relax and be patient.

6. Daydreaming

Daydreaming tends to be more intense in people with ADHD given how the brain has difficulty transitioning from one task to another. People without ADHD can often easily stop daydreaming right away, while people with ADHD may have difficulty refocusing their attention.

7. Excessively Talking

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Excessive talking in ADHD occurs on behalf of hyperactivity and impulsivity and is often difficult to control. People with ADHD often do not realize they have taken over conversations and may also talk a lot because they have difficulty focusing on what others are saying.

Getting Help For ADHD

If you think a loved one may have ADHD, see your pediatrician or family doctor right away for an evaluation. Your doctor may refer you to a psychiatrist or another mental health professional who can properly diagnose and treat the condition. Treatments for ADHD can help your loved one effectively manage their symptoms.

Could You Have ADHD? Signs It’s Time To See a Doctor

Valera Health provides tele-mental health care in the form of therapy and psychiatry services for those who suffer from mental health disorders including ADHD, depression, and bipolar disorder. Request a consultation with us today and get started on your personal journey to improved mental wellness.

